ANACEFC 2023 Conference
Subversive Orthodoxy 顛覆文化的真理
Date日期: October 4 - 6, 2023
Where地點: Chicago, USA 美國芝加哥
Meeting Venue聚會地方: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School三一福音神學院
DETAILS 詳情 | REGISTRATION 報名 (Deadline 截止日期: September 20, 2023)
Spiritual bits and bites 靈語點滴
October 2021
ANACEFC Conference
Online via Zoom
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September 28-30, 2022
ANACEFC Conference
Online via YouTube
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September 28-30, 2022
ANACEFC Conference
Flippable Book Version
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Reach out with the Love of Christ
As the Coronavirus progresses, many people have been isolated from their families and their communities. One cannot imagine the negative impact of such isolation. This reminds us of similar experiences of the lepers in the Bible. During biblical time, leprosy was an incurable skin disease. The Law at the time regarded the disease as unclean, and anyone who touched a leper would also become unclean. Not only did the lepers lose their relationship with God, they were cut off from their families and communities (Numbers 5:2-4). They had to cry out “Unclean! Unclean!” to warn others of their disease (Leviticus 13:45).
It was recorded in the New Testament that Jesus healed a leper and later on, he healed ten of them. One can empathize with the lepers of how relieved they must have felt at the moment of the healing. Not only did they look normal on the outside, their inner sense of rejection, shame, inferiority, isolation, being unloved and loneliness disappeared immediately.
Once healed, they were able to return to their families and communities. Regardless of how one has been isolated, either voluntarily or otherwise, one experiences negative emotions. We cannot imagine how many people around us are feeling isolated. May we encourage our church members to reach out with the love of Christ to those who are hurting. May we also take precautionary measures to keep ourselves safe and healthy. Let us be reminded to pray fervently for God's mercy on China, Hubei province and the city of Wuhan.
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